The trends for e-commerce sites for 2016
So what are the trends for e-commerce sites for 2016?
There are currently some 164,000 e-tail sites throughout Europe. These can be divided into two categories: major brand e-commerce sites that everyone has heard of and new ones that are under development. Whether your website is in the first or second category, each year new trends are created or consolidated. And to optimize the number of visitors per day, a website must adapt to these new features.
1 - Mobile applications
Consumers are increasingly drawn to purchasing using mobile applications. This is confirmed by the fact that, internationally, almost half of all sales are made using a mobile device. It is therefore becoming essential to provide potential buyers with an opportunity to use these media for their online purchases. A mobile version of a website is, of course, strongly recommended.
2 - Faster delivery service
The vast majority of e-tail websites already offer a delivery service, but the difference now is that buyers are more and more attracted by faster deliveries. Delivery is therefore an essential part of the consumer's purchasing decision. The longer the wait, the more likely it is that the consumer will decide not to buy the product.
3 - Focus on "Chat commerce"
Today buyers find it reassuring to have access to an assistant or a chat system when making their purchases. The advantage is that customers can benefit from suggestions and tips before buying an item. If it is appropriate to your sector, consider introducing a community chat facility. Customers' views and self-help between customers are crucial to the progress of your website.
4 - Make the most of the social networks
As well as being very practical communication tools, social networks also boost sales and improve content sharing. However, the biggest advantage of online communities is their massive listener base. Result - your message is seen by several people at the same time.
5 - Go international
The goal for 2016 is to be responsive and provide your complete catalogue at the same time throughout the world, with the same quality of service as your French site. This is a goal that the website translation agency, Dixit.com, will help you achieve. Discover how Gian Marco and the BrazilianBikiniShop succeeded in going world-wide and how you can create a multilingual site (french paper).
6 - Boost your sales with retargeting
Most of the time, visitors take a look at your offers and products, but leave the website without having made any purchase. Even if they like what they see, your potential customer tends to forget what it was - that's where retargeting comes in. The principle is very simple: even if a potential buyer leaves the website, they will see your advert on another site they visit, one related to yours based on their browsing history.